Open the TIFF file you created above in ImageJ.Powerpoint saves a folder with the filename, and then saves each slide as slide1.tiff, etc. Save the file as a TIFF file using Powerpoint save as command.Do not change sizes or adjust the images in anyway.Note: You can also label everything, put in ladder images and other things, as long as you leave white space around the images.Line them up, leaving white space in between each one.Open a Powerpoint file and drag all your image files into powerpoint.Repeat this process using your loading control image file, if it is a different file.Save the file, and repeat with the other file copies, if you have more than one set of bands on the same original image.You should now have a very small file with a rectangle that only includes the bands you want to measure Try to draw the rectangle as small as possible around the horizontal line of bands. Crop the image by highlighting the bands you want to measure using the Rectangle tool.Enlarge the image using the Magnifying Glass tool so you mainly just see the bands you want to measure.If there are more than one set of bands that you want to analyze, make as many copies of the file as there are bands that you want to analyze.Select at least 6 gridlines to help you judge whether or not the bands are horizontal.Select the angle you want (it will rotate clockwise).Rotate the image so the bands are lined up horizontally (Image > Tranform > Rotate).If you have black background and white bands, invert the image (Edit > Invert).Convert the image to 8-bit (Image > Type > 8-bit).Save the files as TIFF file using a different name than the original.